Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Sugar Cookies

Alas I have included Christmas cookies to this sweet blog. I mean, it's a must. I made sure of this too: I baked them in the morning before work and finished them late at night after a busy day. Despite the hard work involved, there is something truly magical about baking and decorating Christmas cookies. To me Christmas cookies are such a part of Christmas joy. They are such a part of Christmas traditions. That is the wonder of food. It brings people together and makes them truly happy. In my family, we long for my mom's cookies, which she starts baking about a week before Christmas because there are so many types. These cookies are a part of breakfast and a huge part of dessert. They are dessert on Christmas Eve as well as Christmas. I eat about eight to ten cookies both days (I have to be honest with you). And I do not feel bad about that in any way. Eating the buttery, sugary little cookies brings me happiness. You should not limit yourself from happiness. Every day is an occasion, so we must treat each day just as that.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Chocolate Candy Cane Loaves

Count down to Christmas is here. I am so excited and trying to enjoy every minute of it, minus the stress of course. The holiday's are about spending time with the ones you love most and celebrating the joys and blessings in your life. I can truly say that I am blessed for everything and everyone in my life. I give thanks every morning of every day, and I write ten things I am thankful for each day in my happiness journal every night. I cannot help but smile at this time of year, looking at the beautiful lights and decorations, and watching my most favorite movies, especially my all time favorite It's a Wonderful Life.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Chocolate Gingerbread Cake

Firstly, I sincerely apologize for the lack of posts. I have been so busy with the holidays and working. And very busy making pies for Thanksgiving. But I am back and ready to tackle all of the Christmas recipes that I have been longing to make. After Thanksgiving, Christmas is in full swing. In my home however, the Christmas trees go up the week of Halloween, but that is besides the point here. My goals for the Christmas sweets season are as follows: something gingerbread, something peppermint, something white and snowy (perhaps coconut or white chocolate), homemade baked gifts, and a vast amount of cookies. I am going to bake as much as I possibly can this month, and I will be sharing it with all of you. Lucky you are...