There is something truly comforting about opening a cookbook handed down for generations, full of hand written recipes and nostalgia. Torn pages, loose recipes, oil splotches, a story only a kitchen can tell. Great gram specialized in so many treats, her house always smelling of wondrous aromas, as I have been told. From her paczkis to her potato rolls...and the ever famous family treat, "Heavenly Hash" (frivolous name I know), a candy made from the combination of marshmallows, peanut butter, and chocolate. As if a novel, this cook book tells a story. A story about the era in which it was created, full of tuna casseroles and stock full of recipes involving lard, buttermilk and instant mashed potatoes. An era in which money was tight. An era in which you used every last scrap, every last speck of the leftover butter on the wrapper. This book means so much.